
We are grateful for your generous support.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsors provide a key component of our fundraising efforts. We appreciate everyone's participation in helping reach our goals. We extend special thanks to Pfizer, for their title sponsorship, Corporate Team participation in the Run/Walk, and volunteer commitments on Race Day.

Pfizer employees Course pour la Compassion

Sponsorship Opportunities

La Course pour la Compassion has several sponsorship opportunities, with different levels of recognition and appreciation. We also invite you to form a Corporate Team and Walk/Run the distance of your choice, and crowdfund along with your sponsorship commitment. Show your support of the community, build team morale with a friendly team competition, and celebrate your achievements the day of the Course.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We can help your corporate team participate.

Register your corporate team, have fun together and join our  community in supporting compassionate end-of-life care at the Teresa Dellar Palliative Care Residence. We are here to help you in your efforts with our Corporate Teambuilding Toolkit for step-by-step info and tips to guide your team.

Thank you to our Sponsors. We appreciate your generosity.
Pfizer logo

Résidence de soins palliatifs Teresa-Dellar

Teresa Dellar Palliative Care Residence

T : 514 693-1718 | 265, rue André-Brunet, Kirkland, QC H9H 3R4

Numéro de bienfaisance / Charitable No. : 862444908RR0001 

Copyright 2024

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